Preeksuggestie Markus 6

Sermon suggestion

Sermon inspiration: Mark 6:30-44 (HSV)

These verses in Mark 6 tell the wonderful story of the first miraculous sprinkling. Mark clearly considers it an important story, because he describes another second miraculous feeding in chapter 8 with many similarities. Both times it also addresses the disciples' lack of understanding (6:52, 8:17-21). The disciples' hearts are closed, so the meaning of this story does not get through to them. What would Jesus want us to understand about this story? How can we make this story land in our hearts?

Praying for Neighbours

We would be delighted if you could use the text around the introduction of the booklet "Praying for Neighbours". In Praying for Neighbours, we want to help Rotterdam Christians spend a week prayerfully looking at their neighbours, with a special focus on the least reached language groups in Rotterdam. 25% of the people from Rotterdam are from the least reached countries in the world; in Rotterdam, they are our neighbours.

Jesus' compassion

This Bible passage brilliantly highlights Jesus' compassion for people, not just the few (because that is still surmountable) but also for the multitude. It begins with the very first sentence: Jesus... saw the crowd. Always when Jesus sees, something happens (Mark 5:25-34, Jn 1:47-50, Luke 7:11-13). Seeing Jesus is not fleeting or superficial but deep and discovering. He is moved with inner compassion. The Greek word σπλαγχνίζομαι occurs 12 times in the gospels and refers to a feeling in your gut. Compassion felt in your body. It doesn't stop with Jesus' compassion; he takes his disciples into his compassion.

Disciples deployed

It is wonderful to see how Jesus maximally involves his disciples in this miracle. It begins with "Give them food!" That impossible task that Jesus alone can perform is nevertheless put on the disciples' plate. Then Jesus says, "How many loaves do you have?" Jesus starts with what the disciples have brought. Jesus gets to work with what they can give Him and they get to distribute it again. Jesus is the hero of this story, but he does not want to do it alone.

The story as true parable

Jesus wants the disciples to open their hearts to let this event enter their lives. What does Jesus want his disciples to realise? I believe the miracle is also a wonderful way in which Jesus shows this time not with words but with actions (speaking louder) who he is, his identity, and what he has come to do, his mission. Jesus as satiator and provider who does not send anyone home empty; there is enough for everyone.

In Rotterdam

I am convinced that people in Rotterdam are hungry. The image "Sheep without a shepherd" is also applicable in Rotterdam. We may be ignited by Jesus' compassion for the crowds. As Christians, we are "the body of Christ" in Rotterdam. When Jesus says, "Feed them" we do so literally, but also in a spiritual sense. Let us give to Jesus what we have so that he can multiply it!