
Here, several Rotterdam pastors share their experiences with the prayer book of Pray for your neighbours. Do you also have a great experience to share? Let us know.

In Luke 18, Jesus tells a parable to his disciples about the need to always pray and not give up. The disciples apparently needed that exhortation. The same applies to us, here and now. Praying for Neighbours is one of those wonderful initiatives that encourages us to always pray and not give up.

Personally, I really liked the prayer exercise where we were challenged to see before us that crowd from Revelation 7. That uncountable crowd from all nations and peoples, from every tribe and language. And then to imagine: hey, there is my neighbour, and there is my neighbour, there are my neighbours for whom I prayed!!!
Fred Kappinga - ICF Noord
Fred Kappinga
Pastor ICF Rotterdam-Noord
I am very grateful for the booklet, an encouragement to be prayerfully involved with neighbours. Personally, I can share two events:

  1. Some Islamic independents in the neighbourhood were much more willing to interact and talk during this week!
  2. On the day we prayed for the Moroccans in the neighbourhood, I got a call from a Moroccan woman (whom I know) if I wanted to come and pray for her sick friend.
Bert Davelaar
Bert Davelaar
Pastor Light on South