Bidden voor de Buren - Samen bidden

Praying together

Praying together is powerful, motivating and changes yourself and the world around you. A few tips on how to pray this together as a congregation or home group during the week of prayer (some you can combine):

  1. Create a joint WhatsApp group in which you encourage each other during the week from your prayer(s) for your neighbours and neighbourhood and inspire them to pray for the neighbourhood. Place an invitation link for this whatsapp group (and/or QR code thereof) on a channel of your congregation (e.g. churchbook, (weekly) newsletter, etc.)

  2. Prick one or more (short) online prayer moments via a platform like Zoom or Teams and send the invitation link around. A short prayer moment is more feasible for more people. Tips for shaping such a moment, you can here find.

  3. Schedule one physical moment of prayer during the week. The prayer walk on Wednesday, the 'Our Father' prayer on Thursday or writing a Psalm on Friday could be that time (see prayer booklet). Tips for a prayer meeting you can here find.

  4. Find a prayer buddy with whom you have occasional contact during the week (whatsapp, physically to pray together, etc.). Simply experiencing praying together for (possibly the same) neighbours or neighbourhood is already inspiring!

Jesus says:"I assure you again: if two of you here on earth ask for something in unison, whatever it is, My Father in heaven will make it happen for them. For wherever two or three are together in my name, I am in their midst." (Matthew 18:19-20)